
Welcome to Gem Selections®️ the world's biggest Gemstone Brand.


This is beautiful Gem, it is extremely popular with Hindu Astrologers, as it is believed that this Gem strengthens the cosmic rays of the planet Jupiter (Brhaspati ). Further if Jupiter, the karka of Wealth, Status, Influence, Knowledge and Family Life is strong then no other planet can minimize the Ashwaria or complete fulfillment of desires of a person. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire i.e., Pukhraj or Pushprag along with the chanting of the mantra “Om! Graam Greem Groom Sah Guruve Namah” can lead to complete happiness and all kinds of achievements. This is the Birth stone for Sagittarius and Pieces zodiac signs.




Of all the Navratnas (nine lucky gemstones) mentioned in Hindu scriptures, yellow sapphire is regarded as one of the most beneficial and promising stones. Many names for this stone include Push Raja (Sanskrit), Kanakapushparagam or Pushparagam (Tamil), Peetmani, and the "Pukhraj" stone. Astrology attributes this stone to a very unique area. In addition to providing protection against evil energy, the Pukhraj Stone, particularly for women, also brings marital contentment and happiness.

The presence of iron during some stages of formation gives yellow sapphire, which belongs to the corundum mineral group, its distinctive color. Similar to the majority of gemstones, this yellow crystal is extracted from the crust of the earth. The sapphire's corundum can become shaded over hundreds of thousands of years by iron traces, giving the stone a warm, yellow hue.


Pukhraj Stone is a more-or-less yellow variety of corundum. It was also formerly known as “oriental topaz”. Pukhraj Stone may be found in a wide variety of colours from pale to canary yellow, gold, honey and brownish yellow. The lighter, brighter colours are more common than dark, dull colours. Like all corundum, Pukhraj stones have a considerable amount of luster. Medium-sized or large stones are often seen, generally with a mixed round cut. Honey-coloured Pukhraj stones are less common, smaller, equally lustrous and are given both oval and rectangular step cuts. 

Pukhraj Government Lab Certificate

Pukhraj Stone can be distinguished from other gems by its luster but not from yellow chrysoberyl, which is very similar in this respect. Yellow zircon has luster similar to that of Pukhraj but is usually distinguishable through a lens by its much larger birefringence, the facet edges appearing much more clearly duplicated and both facets and edges giving an impression of less hardness and greater brittleness. The inclusions in Pukhraj stone are also fairly characteristic, at least when viewed through a lens. All in all, however, many yellow gems show a resemblance to Pukhraj stone and must, therefore be distinguished by their physical properties.





Due to the popular belief that it enhances the cosmic rays of the planet Jupiter (Brhaspati), this stunning gem is highly sought after by Hindu astrologers. 


Furthermore, no other planet can lessen a person's Ashwaria, or total fulfilment of their desires, if Jupiter, the karka of wealth, status, influence, knowledge, and family life, is intense. You can achieve all kinds of success and ultimate happiness by wearing a Yellow Sapphire, also known as Pukhraj or Pushprag, and reciting the mantra "Om! Graam Greem Groom Sah Guruve Namah." 




Most light or canary Pukhraj Stone comes from Sri Lanka and only a small portion from Australia, which, however, supplies most of the less common honey, golden yellow or yellow-brown stones. Limited quantities are obtained from Burma. 


Pukhraj stone River Mining in Ratnapura Sri Lanka with The Natural Pukhraj stone. Ratnapura Sri Lanka has been the epicenter for fine natural Pukhraj stone for thousands of years. The most expensive Pukhraj stones are found in this tropical wonderland through ancient mining methods still used to this day. The Natural Pukhraj stone sources its sapphires from two main deposits located in Madagascar and Sri Lanka but the Sri Lanka mine is the best mine. The natural Pukhraj stone company actually sells some very pretty Pukhraj stones from Montana. Pukhraj stones are found in the USA too but no one ever seems to mention that.

Physical Properties of Pukhraj Gemstone:-





Pukhraj Stone is commonly found in a range of hues between greenish yellow and orangish yellow. Deep pure golden yellow without any trace of orange is considered to be the best color for a Pukhraj Stone. Sometimes the yellow color of the stone can be so pale that it can fall into the category of a white sapphire. 




Oval-cut Pukhraj stones are frequently found in order to maintain their maximum weight. However, it is too frequently faceted and cut into elaborate shapes like squares, octagons, cushions, and so forth.

The primary element influencing your sapphire's brilliance is its cut. Poor cutting will make it appear lifeless and boring. Cut describes the facets on a gem's surface that let light and color show through to their best rather than the shape of the stone. 


The striking, dramatic quality of dark gemstones contrasts with the light or colorless gemstones, which primarily rely on their ability to reflect light. Jewelers can form pukhraj into precise, well-defined shapes that maximize light reflection due to its exceptional hardness. While softer yellow glass may have simpler cuts with rounded edges, smaller Pukhraj stones offer greater stylistic versatility. Larger stones weighing more than one carat are often cut into cushioned mixed cuts or oval shapes to give them an elegant appearance.

Metal for Pukhraj Stone




Large gemstones are rarer than small ones, so their price increases exponentially with size. The unit of measurement used to express the price of pukhraj, or any other stone, is ratti. 





Pukhraj is usually where one finds the most noticeable, or even subtle, natural inclusions such as feathers, color zoning, crystals, and so forth. When a sapphire appears inclusion-free, it's usually best to assume that it's an imitation glass or synthetic stone. Verifying that the stone you are buying has legitimate paperwork is crucial. 


The highest sapphire clarity grade is Perfection, which indicates that the stone is "eye-clean" and entirely visible to the unaided eye. Compared to other colors, Pukhraj typically has fewer inclusions. As a natural byproduct of crystal growth, inclusions are present in even the best stones; complete inclusion-free stones are not anticipated.  



The Cost 


Pukhrajs are a great option if you were thinking about getting a yellow diamond ring but were intimidated by the high cost. It's possible that you'll discover a stunning sapphire that fits your budget. Pukhraj is typically sold in the market for between Rs 450 and Rs 51,000. 


Heat treatment


For Pukhrajs, traditional heating is commonly employed. Certain stones can have their color and transparency improved by this process, and the improvements are long-lasting. They are more valuable because they are much rarer. As is the case with all sapphires, they are extremely hard and resistant to scratches, scoring a 9 on the Mohs scale (the third hardest mineral, after moissanite at 9.25 and diamond at 10). 


Original Pukhraj Stone


The Pukhraj Stone is considered the most valuable gemstone in India and is the gem of Jupiter/Brihaspati. However, the majority of the market—99%—sells heat-filled, fake gemstones with little astrological significance. A guarantee of homemade certificates, the certifying authority of which is either mysteriously unidentified or falsely represented, is typically attached to the sale of these gemstones.



Since genuine Pukhraj can only provide you with the required advantages, you should only ever buy pure gemstones. Gemstone flaws are the root cause of many issues. A cracked stone encourages theft threats. Furthermore, Milky Stone promotes physical harm. The black and white colored stone is dangerous for the wearer's cattle. The one with the red dots destroys wealth. Additionally, the depression-ridden stone causes anxiety and mental disturbance. Therefore, in order to avoid such negative effects on you, it is imperative that you buy gemstones from reliable vendors.

Things to think about prior to purchasing an Original Pukhraj: 


To Buy Original Pukhraj Stone one has to first understand that any Gemstone will have a vast range of qualities available. An Original Pukhraj Stone can be available in a number of varieties ranging from ₹ 2100 per ratti to ₹ 75000 per ratti.



There are obvious indications of slow crystallization in the original Pukhraj. The Gem still contains parts of its exterior that aid in identifying it. 


There will be more inclusions in an Original Pukhraj of a lower variety and fewer inclusions in an Original Pukhraj of a higher variety, and the inclusions might not be visible to the unaided eye. Otherwise, it is either a synthetic material or a piece of glass. 


.In most cases, the inclusions in Original Pukhraj resemble "feathers" or fingerprint impressions. There are also occasionally visible liquid inclusions that resemble lace. In the market, synthetic pukhraj are highly prevalent, and many dealers sell them as authentic in an effort to make quick cash. These are quite visible and exhibit bubble-like inclusions when magnified. 


With Pukhrajs, the origin of the mining has no bearing on the price, unlike many of our customers who are concerned about how their sapphire's origin may affect its value. 


Methods for Evaluating Pukhraj's Purity


The striking Pukhraj Stone adds a distinct hue and sheen to engagement rings and other exquisite jewelry. Both classic gold and white gold settings complement these sunny yellow stones beautifully. Additionally, they have particular significance in some spiritual traditions. In order to avoid overspending on a synthetic duplicate, consumers should make sure they are choosing genuine Pukhrajs. For Pukhraj jewelry, customers can search estate and consignment stores as well as jewelry stores. Before making a purchase, consumers should be aware of the characteristics of real pukhrajs and how to spot fake stones. 

Basic Facts about Authentic Pukhraj Stone 


Pukhraj Stone belongs to the corundum family of gemstones. Corundum is pure aluminum oxide, which crystallizes at high temperatures and pressures to form stones. Most gemstones in the corundum family are sapphires, except for purplish red to yellow red varieties, known asrubies, and rare pink-orange stones called Padparadscha. While the most popular sapphires are blue, these stones also come in other vivid colors including pink, green, and yellow. 



Sapphires are very hard gemstones. They rank at nine on the Moh's hardness scale, which makes them second in hardness only to diamonds, which rank at ten on the same scale. As a result, sapphires very rarely display any scratches on their surfaces. 


Synthetic Pukhraj


When sapphire is found in nature and is only cut and polished by machine/ man, without any other interference to enhance or edit its physical properties, it is considered to be natural. When the same chemical, physical and molecular composition is recreated by man, the new product is known as Synthetic Pukhraj. 


Chemically and physically the stone tests the same as its natural counterpart unless very high-level testing is conducted or some visual 'imperfections' or indications of the synthetic building of the stone are present. Here, proper certification of the gemstone becomes a must before buying Pukhraj. We at Gem Selections provide certified gemstones from the Government Lab before keeping the gemstones in our inventory. 

Imitation of a Pukhraj: 


The imitation stone of a Pukhraj Stone is the one that will 'look' like a real Pukhraj but it is essentially not the same in chemical or molecular structure. Anything including glass, plastic, other natural/ synthetic stones, some non-precious stones etc can be used for imitation stones. 


The hardness, the refractive index, the look and the price will differ between a Pukhraj and its imitation. Imitation stones are usually used for visual appeal and cost-saving only. These can be as inexpensive as a piece of glass or as expensive as a yellow diamond. 


Treated Pukhraj:


When attempting to estimate the value of your Pukhraj, this is most likely the most difficult task. Treatments can be either permanent or only temporary, in which case they wear off over time. Stones can be treated to improve their color, clarity, and value, or occasionally to achieve homogeneity. As long as it is stated explicitly so that you only pay for what you are purchasing and nothing more, this is a fairly reasonable practice.

Heat Treatment 

Traditional heating is widely used for pukhrajs. This process can enhance the color and transparency of some stones, and the changes made are permanent. They are much rarer and consequently hold greater value. 

As with all sapphires, they are incredibly tough and scratch resistant, and rate 9 on the Mohs scale (the third hardest mineral, right behind diamond at 10 and moissanite at 9.25) 

How to Check the Purity of Pukhraj


Pukhraj Stone is an eye-catching gem, which provides a unique color and sparkle to engagement rings and other elegant jewelry. These sunny yellow stones look great in both traditional gold and white gold settings. They also hold special meanings in certain spiritual disciplines. When selecting a pukhrajs, shoppers must ensure they are getting an authentic stone so that they do not overpay for a synthetic replica. Shoppers can scour jewelry stores, or estate and consignment shops for pukhrajjewelry. A more convenient alternative is buying from eBay, an online auction destination with jewels available around-the-clock, 365 days each year. Before buying, shoppers should understand facts about genuine pukhrajs, and how to discern imitation stones. 

Basic Facts about Authentic Pukhraj Stone 

Pukhraj Stone belong to the corundum family of gemstones. Corundum is pure aluminum oxide, which crystallizes at high temperatures and pressures to form stones. Most gemstones in the corundum family are sapphires, except for purplish red to yellow red varieties, known asrubies, and rare pink-orange stones called Padparadscha. While the most popular sapphires are blue, these stones also come in other vivid colors including pink, green, and yellow. 

Sapphires are very hard gemstones. They rank at nine on the Moh's hardness scale, which makes them second in hardness only to diamonds, which rank at ten on the same scale. As a result, sapphires very rarely display any scratches on their surfaces. Pukhrajs, also called pukhraj , feature a very pure yellow, with no green or orange tinges. 

synthentic-pukhrajSynthetic Pukhraj

When sapphire is found in the nature and is only cut and polished by machine/ man, without any other interference to enhance or edit its physical properties, it is considered to be natural. When the same chemical, physical and molecular composition is recreated by man, the new product is known as Synthetic Pukhraj. 

Chemically and physically the stone tests the same as its natural counterpart unless very high level testing is conducted or some visual 'imperfections' or indications of synthetic building of the stone are present. Here, proper certification of the gemstone becomes a must before buying Pukhraj. We at Gem Selections get all our gemstones certified from Government Lab before keeping the gemstones in our inventory. 

Imitation of a Pukhraj: 

The imitation stone of a Pukhraj Stone is the one that will 'look' like a real pukhraj but it is essentially not the same in chemical or molecular structure. Anything including a glass, plastic, other natural/ synthetic stones, some non-precious stones etc can be used for imitation stones. 

The hardness, the refractive index, the look and definitely the price will differ between a pukhraj and its imitation. Imitation stones are usually used for visual appeal and cost saving only. These can be as inexpensive as a piece of glass or as expensive as a yellow diamond. 


Treated Pukhraj:


When attempting to estimate the value of your Pukhraj, this is most likely the most difficult task. Treatments can be either permanent or only temporary, in which case they wear off over time. Stones can be treated to improve their color, clarity, and value, or occasionally to achieve homogeneity. As long as it is stated explicitly so that you only pay for what you are purchasing and nothing more, this is a fairly reasonable practice. 

Ways to'see' the distinction between a regular stone and a Pukhraj: 


Essentially, it is very difficult for a person without sufficient gemological experience to distinguish between a synthetic Pukhraj Stone and a real one and in most cases even an imitation. However, by process of elimination, you can fairly well rule out any misnomers and imitations. 

9 Effective Ways to Identify a Real Pukhraj Stone 


The impelling color of the delicate stone pukhraj draws the attention of each pair of eyes toward it. The fine gleam and the appreciating color of pukhraj (also known as pukhraj stone) are solely responsible for making this stone the most populous gemstone in gem family. 

Buying and wearing a synthetic pukhraj will act against its wearer. It is extremely difficult to distinguish between a fake and a real pukhraj. Thus, by considering the concern to recognize a pukhraj stone easily read the following steps which will aid you in buying a real pukhraj online. 


Compare Pukhraj Stone with Glass: Fake gem traders of pukhraj offer their customers counterfeit pukhraj stone. Thus, to prevent yourself from getting trapped in the setup of fake gem traders. One should compare this stone with glass before buying this stone. However, on the contrary, both of them look the same at a glance, but in reality, Pukhraj Stone is rich in color and holds rich clarity. It is also extensively hard whereas a fake or synthetic stone would be less hard and on a hardness scale it ranks around 5.0 moh to 6.0. 


Look for Tiny Bubbles: A natural Pukhraj Stone does not possess any inclusion as such so that it can be seen with the naked eye. Nonetheless, it consists of a few inclusions, but they can hardly be seen with the naked eye. Hence, if you spot anything like liquid flowing inside the stone or bubbles with bare eyes then their is a clear indication that the stone is not original. 


Check for Scratches: Pukhraj Stone is a rigid stone. The stone is extensively hard and the hardness of the stone measures 9.0 on moh scale. Therefore, after purchasing a pukhraj try to scrub it against a hard material, unfortunately if it gets scratches then it a fake pukhraj


Beware of Fake Suppliers Of Pukhraj Stone:


Pukhraj Stone is a powerful gemstone that has obtained immense magical powers under its belt. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a synthetic pukhraj dealer to trap customers because if a customer considers a few things he/she can never be dodged. Additionally, a person should only buy pukhraj from a reputed online gem store. 


Watch Out for Fillings: Due to high characteristics, it is very difficult to obtain a pure Pukhraj Stone without any impurity; there are some inclusions which are always present in the stone to enhance the color and appearance of the stone. While performing these inclusions sometimes there exists a negative hole or impurity left in stone. A trustworthy jeweler will not remove it. However, an untrustworthy one will fill it with borax and other impurities to increase its lustre. With bare eyes it is very difficult to check this perhaps with the help of a magnifier one can easily check this. 

Stay away from X sign: If the Pukhraj Stone encompasses an X-sign on the back of the stone. Then, it sends a clear indication that the stone is fake. Therefore, while buying Pukhraj do consider this sign on the stone subtly if you spot this stone, then do not buy that Pukhraj stone. 


Steer clear of grooves: Sometimes the facets of artificial stones don't shine as sharply as those of real sapphires. This imperfection bears a striking resemblance to the grooves one might anticipate finding on a vinyl record; however, it is typically only visible when magnified 10 times using a loupe.


Examine it for flaws: If it's a natural Pukhraj, there are a few inclusions that are hardly noticeable. Nevertheless, you would notice these inclusions if you examined this stone under a magnifying glass. However, since pure Pukhraj is impossible to find, avoid purchasing any gemstone that is given away for free.


Warmer than original stone: To check whether a Pukhraj Stone is natural or fake. One should perform this action, he/she should hold a piece of pukhraj in his/her hand and if the stone feels warm to you then it is a natural pukhraj. Instead of that, if sapphire does not feel anything then it is a clear indication that the stone is synthetic.

Tips to Spot Fake Pukhraj Stone 


Shoppers can learn many of the techniques when evaluating gemstones. Knowing characteristics that distinguish falsified pukhrajs from genuine ones is important to anyone who wants to buy a Pukhraj Stone.





Pukhraj takes away a woman's inability to wait for marriage. A person's life can be positively impacted by a pukhraj stone.


Relationship: Love, the continuation of one's own family, and marital bliss are just a few of the well-known benefits that the Pukhraj gem bestows upon its wearer. It is said that in order to maintain a harmonious marital lifestyle, married women should wear yellow sapphire. A happy family and healthy children are also bestowed upon the wearer of the stone. 


Spirituality: In terms of spirituality, the owner of this yellow gem will receive good fortune and spiritual knowledge. Additionally guarding against evil spirits and jinx is yellow sapphire. In addition, the wearer receives great glory, enhanced mental health, and life's tranquility. 


Health: It is believed that yellow sapphire balances the body's Will Chakra, which also oversees the digestive and immune systems. You can also wear or carry this lovely healing crystal to help with severe illnesses and conditions like pancreas disorders, liver infections, kidney infirmities, jaundice, TB, and increased cholesterol. The wearer is able to combat various infections and allergies thanks to its amazing healing properties.




How can you prevent purchasing a phony Pukhraj? 


In order to safeguard ourselves from buying a fake Pukhraj you must buy the stone with a proper certificate and check the authenticity of the certificate issuing authority. We at Gem Selections sell only and only Government Lab Certified gemstones and you can be 100% sure of the originality/authenticity of any gemstone you buy from us. 


Why is a Pukhraj Stone more expensive than most colored stones


• Because of its astrological demand. In addition to being recommended by most believers for favorable health, disposition, and other positive personal enhancements, Pukhraj is one stone that, according to astrology, does not harm its wearer. There is an enormous market for high-quality pukhraj. 



• Rarity: In good color and good clarity, Pukhraj is a fairly rare stone, especially in larger sizes that are usually recommended by astrologers. 


• It belongs to the Corundum family. When this stone is red in color it is called "Ruby", when it is blue then it is called "Sapphire", when it is orange it is called "Padprasha" and any other color is denoted by the color name - sapphire ,eg purple sapphire, pink sapphire, green sapphire etc. 


• The stone is exquisite and has a sophisticated appearance. Its value has only increased over time because designers have given it a lot of credit. 


How many carats of Pukhraj should I wear?


It depends on your body weight and age, Carat weight is always used in Jewellery but if we want to wear Pukhraj stone for astrological benefits then we should wear pukhraj in weight of Ratti, like 4.25 ratti, 5.25 ratti, 6.25 ratti, 7.25 ratti etc., 


How to take care of the Pukhraj stone?


Take some lukewarm water and put the pukhraj ring in it and after five minutes scrub gently to remove the stains completely. Take a soft toothbrush and scrub gently to remove the stains completely. One can also take a soft cotton cloth to clean the Pukhraj Ring. Repeat this process every month end.


How to purify Pukhraj Stone


Follow this simple process to purify your pukhraj:


1. Take off the ring and put it in Holy Ganga Jal 

2. Every Thursday at 7:30 AM chant mantras of "OM GRAAM GREEM GRAUM SAH GURUVE NAMAHA" then you may wear the Ring.

3. The mantra should be chanted 108 times.


Original Pukhraj stone price India


Whenever you buy a gemstone make sure that it comes with an authentic certificate as shown in the side bar. At Gem Selections you always get proper Government Lab certified gemstones which come with:

1. Certificate of Originality from Government Lab

2. Strong Aura which actually helps it function and give results.

3. Pooja to give it the divine blessings is performed before it comes into the inventory. 


The price of Original Pukhraj stone starts at ₹ 2100 per ratti to ₹ 75000 per ratti. Buy Pukhraj stone online in India at the Lowest Price at Gem Selection. Pukhraj Stone is a available at Gem Selections from ₹ 2100 per ratti to ₹ 75000   per ratti. You can visit any of our 20+ stores in New Delhi, Bangalore, Gurugram, Noida, Mumbai, Mysore & Lucknow. 

If you want to know More about Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) 

Sapphires mining hard work and wash.
Pukhraj stone mining and wash
Ceylon Pukhraj stone mining

It's hard work! You need to be very patient and have a lot of hope. Notice the mounds of earth surrounding the washing pool, endless hours of washing is done in the hopes to find a few gems and it depends on your hard work and luck also actually a person do not know how much carat of yellow sapphir found it and when so this type of work is so hard to do. 
This type of work gives us an appreciation for all the hard work that goes on at ground zero. You need to have a passion for the work you do that is refreshing. 
You do not know how much can to earn at Sapphire Mining in Southern Sri Lanka per day. 
Pukhraj stone River Mining in Ratnapura Sri Lanka with The Natural Pukhraj stone. 
Ratnapura Sri Lanka has been the epicenter for fine natural Pukhraj stone for thousands of years. 
The most expensive Pukhraj stone are found in this tropical wonderland through ancient mining methods still used to this day. 
The Natural Pukhraj stone sources its sapphires from two main deposits located in Madagascar and Sri Lanka but srilanka mine is best mine. 
The natural Pukhraj stone company actually sells some very pretty Pukhraj stone from Montana. 
Pukhraj stone are found in the USA too. but no one ever seems to mention that. 
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