What is more valuable colour of Morganite

Within a very short period, Morganite gemstone has become one of the popular jewellery in the world of jewellery. If you want to buy a Morganite gemstone, There are some important facts one need to know about morganite gemstone.

Morganite stone is also known as rose beryl. This is a salmon-coloured variety of the beryl family having a pink hue which is the result of the presence of the minerals like caesium and/or manganese. Morganite gemstone is distinct in colour when compared to the other versions of the beryl family such as emerald gemstone and aquamarine gemstone.


Pick the more valuable Color of Your Morganite

Morganite gemstone has an elegant colour that exudes gentleness and femininity. This gemstone exhibit pleochroism. In simple words it means, this gemstone can appear in different hues when viewed from the different angles. The hues of this stone usually range from light peach pink to bright salmon colour to a much heavier violet-pink.

The amount of mineral inclusion in Morganite highly influence the saturation of this stone. Presence of higher amount of caesium or manganese in Morganite yields a more saturated pink. Generally, it is said that the higher the saturation in the stone the more valuable it will be.

Professionals consider Pink tinted morganites as more desirable, whereas the salmon and peach shades seem less popular. Nowadays, morganites with light peach colour have recently started gaining a higher demand, this is happened due to the rising trend of peach in the beauty industry. There is a wide range of hues, therefore it is very important to see the gemstone clearly before buying.

As a general rule, the rarest and most valuable morganite colours are pure pinks to purplish pinks having a strong colour saturation.