What is Manik stone


The Ruby Gemstone or known as the Manik Stone in Hindi dialect It is a pricey gem that is mostly seen in the right-hand finger of women and men. The Ruby Gemstone is a good enough ring stone and does not wear off easily.

Sun As the Powering Planet

A gemstone for the Sun as their planet (source of energy). Anyone who wears it gets strength from the Sun and helps the native to get a better picture of what's being explained in a good and effective way. Hence helping greatly when it comes to concentration of mind. As it's a known fact that any individual with a good level of concentration and longer concentration span can do wonders in whatever he wishes to. He can be good at anything as if he is good at studies he can achieve something while studying if good in sports can become a good sports player and if excels in acting can be a great actor too.

Prices vary according to carats

Well, a Manik Stone comes at a variety of prices depending upon the carat and quality of the gemstone. The price can range anywhere from 500 to 15000 approximately. Mainly depends upon the budget and requirement.  No matter what you buy you should ask for a Lab Certification for the Manik Stone. Hence whenever you decide to buy gemstones online stay even more cautious. So to ensure its authenticity from the company a certificate is a must.

The Manik gem or any other precious stone's value depends upon the crystal, cut, color, and clarity. On the contrary, talking about the Manik (Ruby) stone, it offers great enthusiasm and power to outrun the deceit. For the ones born in Leo sun sign it helps with faith in people. Suggested strongly for the Libra sun sign people. It has several effects on all the various Nakshatras or sun signs.

Its Synthetic Origin

The first-ever man-made Ruby was manufactured by Gaudin in the year 1837. It was produced using alum and potash with higher heat temperatures. A person named Verneuil who desired to make the synthetic rubies. Still one needs to pay a little heed if you wish to buy gemstones online. That too on a commercial scale by taking into consideration the flame fusion process.

Physical attributes of Ruby

If you wish to buy gemstones online you need to know a lot of things. But before that let's know a few physical features as follows

  1. Classification: Mineral Variety
  2. Molecular Formula: Aluminium Oxide with Chromium (Al2O3: Cr)
  3. Available in Colors such as Pinkish, Purplish, Brownish, and Red