Predictions for 8th September 2019

Routine arrangements have a nasty habit of going haywire today.Something that you can usually do with your eyes closed may become an unexpected problem, or a well-tried system may break down for no good reason.The atmosphere between you and your other half could be more fraught than usual because you need to adjust to one another's current moods.

Clear the air if you're really provoked or someone has stepped out of line, but don't let yourself get worked up over trivial matters.Make the most of today's focus and organization because they'll help you get ahead with anything you tackle.Your relationships are highlighted bringing any difficulties and tensions to a climax


Be sure to stay calm and relax as much as possible and everything shall sort itself out.Today even the simplest argument could turn into a highly- charged dispute, or someone might make some loaded comments that are intended to make you feel uncomfortable. Loved ones are hard to handle today. There's a lot of pent-up tension and resentment in the air, and it seems to permeate everything.

The more wedded you are to your routine, the more trying today's events will be. The day begins on something of a tricky note and you need to be both resourceful and ingenious to solve any problems.Today you shall get an opportunity to resolve, or at least to understand, your differences, so you can live together more harmoniously

Try not to let petty irritations get under your skin. Are they really worth getting in such a state?You may also have to cope with a colleague or employee whose mind isn't on their job.It could seem as though your partner object to everything you say, or they pick holes in your remarks, or maybe you';re the one who's so quick to point the finger


You're at your most charming, diplomatic and engaging today, so make the most of it!If you get the details right, everything will fall into place. You need to pay attention to your career at the moment Get chatting to someone you want to impress, ask out that person who makes your knees go weak, treat your other half to your best seduction routine or simply enjoy spreading a little sunshine wherever you go.


Do your best to keep your cool today, otherwise annoying silly things will really get on your nerves.Ideally, you should plan your day in advance so you can make the best use of your time and energy.It's play time! You're in a lighthearted mood and looking for activities that will help you to express this side of your personality.

It's the little things that will serve you best today. Exercise, a good meal or two and a mental check as to how you're doing is a little bit of advice.... Communications with co-workers are important, and pass on the information and ideas that you have to others.Try to tackle small problems which can easily spiral out of control.

You'll enjoy catching up with all the local gossip by talking to a neighbour or by having a long session on the phone with some friends.If other people will be affected by your plans, make sure that you keep them fully informed. You may simply realize all over again how grateful you are to have certain people in your life, in which case it's a wonderful opportunity to tell them.

If you vent your frustration through arguments and outbursts, you will only worsen your position.You will lead people in your group, as you do things that are creative and unusual.Ideally, you should do something sociable at some point, or at least have a spirited chat with someone.

You'll doubtless hear something very interesting and may even have to pass it on.Sudden expenses may take you by surprise, so be prepared Today you could have to deal with someone who will try almost anything to make you do what they want.You might meet someone new who will enrich your life in some way

It's one of those trying days when people are irritating and you're sorely tempted to say so, but will that achieve anything? Routine day as far as finances are concerned.Your partner is in a very picky and pernickety mood today, making them liable to go off pop at a moment's notice