Predictions for 4th September 2019

Today, stars are helping your family relationships to grow and heal. Sure, living with others requires a great deal of compromise and sacrifice, but this also brings great benefits. A sacrifice can be defined as giving up something you value and love, for something else you value and love even more in life

You can accomplish a great deal in your professional life that will make you feel valued beyond belief. You have brilliant energy on your side now to push ahead in a career related goal


The energy might seem nebulous at home today so you might want to avoid talking too deeply with relatives. What you say might be taken out of context and someone might even lie to you.

Your mind turns to matters on the home front this morning. You might want to give your parents a call, especially if you haven't touched base with them in a while. Looking backat your childhood will help you understand your present, especially your close relationships. Be open to healing.

The potential for you to overdo it intellectually is strong. You could very well give yourself a headache with all the over-thinking you're capable of today. Take it easy.

You will enjoy a day of idyllic peace and harmony with relatives. Be sure to schedule a family get together - you couldn't ask for a better day. Is there a such thing as too much of a good thing?

You might be too quick to dismiss another person's viewpoint about religion or philosophy because it's not in line with your personal values. Tolerance is called for.


It's going to be a day of glory for you. You've reached a high point in your career and should enjoy every minute of the applause.You will have a blessed day of happiness today.

You can help a friend out by showing him or her a more spiritually advanced way to handle life's troubles. You have a more realistic approach to goals now.You shall enjoy yourself

Family conviviality is the name of the game today. You will easily be able to draw out fascinating conversation from the depths of a relative's mind. This will be on subjects he or she might normally never speak of

Everyone will be on something of a power kick today l. The pursuit for capital today might lead you to an underhanded tactic if you're not careful

There is a heavy dose of realism and even coldness to your emotional expression today. It's possible that you are too worried about your financial security and it comes out in a bitter way.