Some will be making new friends while others will be witnessing the end of an association. Romance is also highlighted, especially where friends have slowly evolved into lovers. Let your emotions flow rather than holding them in.


If you can manage to sleep all morning, you'll be ready to come back to life tonight. Why not plan to go see a movie in the theatres or visit with friends this evening? You'll enjoy a little escapism or some good company. There's no need to subject yourself to the public masses, but it will be good to leave your cave.


You may be called upon to clear up confusion at home, but who better to fix things than you? Taking a leadership role will be easy for you now. Stars will give you added emotional energy, for better or for worse. Use your charm and magnetism wisely.


You'll need little urging today to put a lot of enthusiasm into speculative ventures, social events and active entertainment, or maybe a vacation. Creative juices flow, and romantic inclinations can reach delicious physical fulfilment.


It is time to balance your bank book. It isn't always easy to be accountable for every expenditure, but if you want to know where all your money is going, you need to look closely. It will be all to easy to overspend on luxuries .


Today, stars  are  helping your family relationships to grow and heal. Sure, living with others requires a great deal of compromise and sacrifice, but this also brings great benefits. A sacrifice can be defined as giving up something you value and love, for something else you value and love even more in life.


You're inspired and your imagination sparks artistic endeavour. Activities related to children claim your time and attention. A negative potential warns against physical aggression in these situations. Romance sparks up today at cultural or religious gatherings, so keep your aerials tuned


Today your emotions are not to be trusted when it comes to financial decisions now. Deception and delusion are in the air, so it would be better to leave such important matters till latter


Today, you should be prepared for anything. You might want to stick close to home and watch for unexpected disasters to crop up; electrical appliances are most likely to malfunction


Today you gain a more powerful position. Your mate, best friend, or partner can be very helpful in joint ventures, so include him or her in your dealings. This is the time for getting things done together


Today the focus turns to how you can improve yourself and help others. It will be easier to pay closer attention to your nutrition plus you should have more energy for exercise. Relationships with co-workers may become more active as the emphasis turns to your work environment and your responsibilities to others.


Today, be guarded with your safety and belongings now. Don't leave your property out in the open where others have a clear view. Be especially aware of your surroundings when in crowded public places, the ultimate smorgasbord for pickpockets everywhere