Predictions for 24th August 2019

Whilst you may feel personally empowered and are comfortable with any of the recent changes, others are still adjusting to the new you. You are going through the motions with the daily routine, dreaming and scheming of the goals you have in mind. You may seem restless, but you love every moment of it.


Some may enjoy a small financial windfall on this show me the money kind of day and your hard work is likely to pay off both spiritually and financially. You may be feeling kind and generous as well at the moment, so don't deny your impulse to share and helpothers. This comes from a deep place within you and will bless you in the long run.

You can get ahead if you use your insight into future trends. The only limitations are the ones you impose yourself. Sound ideas are in the wind, be sure to get promises in writing. A new business venture looks promising as friends and associates lend a hand to aid in the realization of your dream. Partnerships and long-term commitments are favored today.

Today you may hurt someone's feelings if you aren't careful. Everyone seems to be getting on your nerves on this edgy day, so try to step back and be more objective. If things get
heated, go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air. There is nothing wrong with walking away from an argument, because you will find your voice later tonight n

It has been fine coasting along, appreciating your talents but allowing the process of life to push these talents to the background. Now it is your time. Harness your spending. Discipline is needed regarding future projects, be they home improvement, romantic outings, or learning experiences


You could be dealing with strong emotions related to your past or relatives, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and keep yourself centered. You can only avoid unpleasant interactions by tending to your personal needs first

Most of the paper work, meetings, and discussions seem to involve finances. Transacting business, increasing income, conserving monetary assets, monitoring expenditures, and comparison shopping should be on your agenda, as your tastes and financial standing are enhanced. Something will probably make you discuss, or perhaps even defend or reassess your priorities and values, in the nicest possible way


Stars reminds you of who you are and where you came from. Many of you are dealing with aging parents, causing you to rethink your future plans. The changes in coming weeks are most likely positive, but they may seem painful at first. This is about ending the old so that the new can begin...don't be afraid.

You may feel as though you are being torn apart, as conflict arises over money and what you consider truly worthwhile. It is important for you to find balance today. Many will prefer the rewards of public life to the tensions of their private ventures today. Keep an open mind, a positive attitude and a generous heart at all times, even in the face of sudden attacks

A fortunate vibration follows you around today. You're even more articulate than usual and can express yourself well in words. It's a very lucky day, especially for romance, children, or any type of speculative investments .Siblings or neighbors may drop by bearing good news. In any case you will be feeling quite creative and the phone is likely to be busy all day.

Today emphasis shall be on your material resources and values. This is a good time to balance your budget to take care of the things you own... whether you choose to take your car in for a tune up or polish your silver be responsible and conscientious with your belongings

Arguments can pop up without warning today. You may need to bite your tongue and employ patience if the stupidity of some people gets on your nerves. Make time for exercise and meditation around midday, to avoid becoming over-stimulated. Reflect on your blessings in life and remember to have compassion for others, no matter how annoying they are