Predictions for 19th September 2019

A long-standing problem involving a colleague is resolved at work. Get the proper done in order to avoid last minute hassles. Don't allow a situation to get out of hand and avoid any emotional outbursts in the romantic arena.

Travel for pleasure could be on your mind. A money or business opportunity pops up, so you'll have a second chance to deal with the issues. Also it's a good time to seek wise advice from those in the know. Romance tonight turns out to be a whole new ball game, so plan accordingly

A wider view of an ambiguous matter should be clear now. Looking at credit or a loan option may help you sort out a financial problem. Do not overlook the risky aspects of a business deal, as you may feel under pressure in carrying out the things you don't want to do. Love is refreshing and amusing

New horizons are opening for you on the career front and a beneficial opportunity could come about through a social connection. Control the urge to spend to impress. Too many things on your mind make your personal life problematic. Don't expect to understand what your mate is really thinking

A little analysis helps you find the solution to a prolonged issue, Virgo. Even though you welcome friends, you may feel a need to break away from the popular trend. A major purchase for your comfort zone is indicated, but you still need to select with care. Your mate may reveal a fantasy that strikes a deeply appealing note.

This is an excellent time for discussing beneficial schemes with your partner, although a project may not be proceeding as planned, leading to some frustration. Concentrate on creative ideas that will excite and motivate others. In romance, singles can expect a fantastic time


You've been spending a lot of time on a project, which now could reach an important milestone. Trying something different may seem strange to others, but it'll give satisfaction to your soul. You will excel in a demanding situation and leave your competitors speechless, but don't give away more than is good for you in the romantic arena

In an optimistic frame of mind? More inclined to max the plastic on pleasure? Step carefully, as a mistake you have made in an investment could create some tension. You may have to deal with an indecisive character, but don't let that divert you from your convictions. The call of the heart is a call of the wild - and emotionally-draining

A personal connection opens the door for new career options. Mixing work and pleasure should work to your advantage. You may branch out from the conventional in search of rapid growth. Circumstances require leadership and competence, and your shrewd thinking works wonders. Romance can flourish if you remember the little things

It's not easy to make a new associate come around to your thoughts, but it's a better day, as superiors should be backing your plans. This is a good time to utilize your networking and communication resources. Be happy with little advances and monetary gains. In romance, you can find a middle ground for your differences

You are apt to feel excitement for an upcoming event. Expansion at work is possible, and time-tested ideas are more acceptable today. Minor details need a closer look and money issues crop up again. Ugh. Philosophical discussions can spoil romance

A favourable day for money matters, but prepare for some extra expenses. It may also be difficult to find co-operation at work, so stick with what you do best. Create a safe space before exchanging confidential feelings. A spicy new idea may seem to have real merit as your romantic melody hits a high note