Predictions for 18th August 2019

A certain person knows exactly what they want you to do and they'll make it very plain. Woe betide you if you choose not to accede to their wishes, even though you're perfectly entitled not to. It might be a boss who behaves in this bullying fashion or an older relative, but it's certainly someone who is hard to stand up to because of their position. Even so, you don't like being ordered about like this and you want to say so

Today you will have an opportunity to put your finances on a new footing. If you've been careless with your cash in the past, now's your chance to get your act together. If you need expert advice from a bank manager or financial adviser, don't be afraid to ask

Thoughts and feelings are bubbling up from your subconscious today, putting you in a restless and excitable mood. You're longing to do things slightly differently from usual, especially if your life is normally quite predictable. Don't be surprised if your mind is flooded with old memories that suddenly resurface, or you hear out of the blue from someone who comes from your past

You take life seriously today and will much prefer to do things that havesome meaning for you than to fritter away your time on activities that you can take or leave. At some point you may lend a hand to someone who can't cope on their own or who needs a compassionate confidante. Or you might donate your time or money to a good cause

Your emotions run deep today, making you much more sensitive than usual. You're feeling everything very acutely so you could overreact to things that you normally take in your stride. Nevertheless, you're determined to immerse yourself in your emotional life right now, and quite right too, because it will have a massive impact on you. It might even transform your  life in some way


There's no stopping you today! You've been in a thoughtful mood so farthis month but you've now changed tack and it's all about action and energy. Get as much physical activity as possible today otherwise you'll feel like a coiled spring, especially if you're cooped up in the same surroundings for most of the day. If your nervous energy starts to build up, so will your temper. Not good news!

Money has the potential to be your greatest downfall today because it's burning a hole in your pocket. If you see something you want to buy you'll struggle to resist the urge to splurge, whether or not you've got the cash. Be careful if you're shopping or out on the tiles with a friend because you may try to outdo each other in a contest to find out who is most extravagant. Only do this if you can really afford

Today it's your thoughts that want to go beyond the superficial. There's no fooling you right now because you'll spot anything bogus or inaccurate in no time at all. However, this may make you rather uncompromising when dealing with others, so try to be tactful whenever possible. You don't want to upset anyone

Today you long to indulge yourself with all sorts of treats and presents. Although you'll be enticed by fripperies, this is also a very good time to invest some serious money in beautiful or antique items that will grow in value over the years. But make sure you know what you're doing before you part with your money.

There's never a dull moment today when life keeps you on your toes. You're a lot busier than normal and you really enjoy it. This is a super day for being involved in local activities, such as a scheme to improve your neighbourhood or to raise money for your nearest school, because you'll put your heart and soul into it. And you might have fun at the same time

The focus is on your finances at the moment and it makes you feel rather uncomfortable today. Maybe you tot up your recent expenses and discover that they're bigger than you thought, or you get a nasty letter from your bank or credit card company. Or perhaps you simply feel gloomy about your monetary prospects and start to chastise yourself about all those things you've bought that you don't really need

Enjoy being sociable today. It's not a day for keeping yourself to yourself unless you have absolutely no choice in the matter, because you'll blossom whenever you're with other people. What's more, they'll flourish in your company, so everyone will benefit. If you want to increase your social circle, consider joining a club or group that caters for one of your interests