Predictions for 17th August 2019

An over abundance of nervous energy may plague you... your best bet is to avoid eating while under stress and seek calm, quiet places. With the demands of work, you might have a hard time finding a peaceful moment, so make your needs and boundaries clear to those who might disturb you

Today focuses on your friendships, social circle and other group situations that you are involvedin. Positive developments are indicated even though there may be fiery moments. The emphasisis on enjoying yourself and team work. If you're single, there's a strong chance that you could find a partner through these avenues today. Spend some quiet time this evening alone if you can,
reflecting on life in general

Even though you may experience the normal, everyday ups and downs today, a shift in focus is indicated. This shift points toward your need for love, affection and harmony combined with the healing power of spiritual expression. This is a great time to organise gatherings with friends, especially if there is a healing, religious or personal growth element. Those of you who are
looking for romance may find it through activities with groups

The sense of restriction or difficulty you have faced, particularly in relation to romantic or business partners, will be lifted significantly today. The good news is you can expect matters to improve even further. Love, affection and generally feeling special are the flavours of the day but health problems could overshadow them. This is an excellent time to think about starting a new health regime. Hobbies blossom under this influence as well

You feel that your plans are finally translating into action. Your accomplishments bring you rewards today in terms of money, as well as further lucrative career developments. As your accomplishments grow, so does your fame, making your loved ones very proud of you. Your goals become more idealistic, spiritual, and altruistic

The steadier you are now, the better: this is not the time to throw caution to the wind and be exceptionally attentive to details. If anything, labour the point and you'll find in a few days' time that you are really glad you did. Family will be able to give your morale a big boost at the moment, if you're in need of support. Team relationships and efforts work tremendously well at
the moment. Why fly solo if you don't need to?

You may feel as though you're on a roller coaster and that things in general aren't going as planned - particularly regarding the home or family. However, whatever was blocking your way
or causing upheaval will leave, enabling you to finally begin seeing results


Any opposition you could be facing needs to be handled carefully today and you need to pay particular attention to your health. A productive way to use this time would be to reassess what you are doing, because you should change your approach to either a person or situation in the public arena today. A breakthrough is indicated, so keep your eyes and ears open

Although the influences around now tend to give you endurance and stamina, you do have to watch that you're not straining your body too much, or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Too much willpower can sometimes make you push yourself past your limits. You may be overspending to compensate, because you feel that you deserve a little
reward for all your hard work. However, you'll have to pay the piper sooner or later

After a day of pleasure, you may find yourself feeling moody. In fact, the next two days or so may be rather intense, so plan to find a way to release your frustration today. It isn't that anyone has done anything wrong, it's just that it seems you are working very hard but not getting anywhere. That isn't really true, you know - have faith

Try to keep your energy a little bit more under control. If you scatter in all directions, you'll end up hot and bothered. As soon as you try to shift into higher gear you meet immovable objects at the moment, so the solution is to slow down. There are wonderful, uplifting influences hanging around as well as tricky ones, so just hang in there

Today you'll enjoy the company of those you love, more than you have for some time, along with big developments in your career. Happy news, romance and affection are strongly accented, particularly regarding children or loved ones and creative projects get you to go ahead. An opportunity that comes out of the blue needs to be taken quickly, otherwise you could miss out.