Other people's comments will have a profound effect on you today, so try to be choosy about the company you keep. Ideally, you should stay away from anyone who makes a habit of being gloomy or pessimistic because they'll soon make you feel really depressed.


Good fortune is heading your way. You are in the spotlight and there's plenty of dumb luck about, so get your act together and shoot for the stars! You'll attract the attention of prominent people who will boost you into a better place.


There's no need to be superstitious, but you may want to keep a low profile today. This is not a good time to push your luck or exert yourself physically. Tend to your responsibilities like a dutiful Bull and then turn in early tonigh


Your ambitions are fuelled from today, If there's something that you've always wanted to do but have never got around to, why not give it a try now? You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


It's time to have fun, fun, fun before things turn serious later this week. Of course, things could turn more serious because you have too much fun, but you won't do anything naughty, will you? It may be that you are more able to find the joy in even the darkest corners of your life


Toaday, steer clear of power struggles and intrigue. What happens today will have a strong influence over tomorrow's trends, so be sure to follow the Golden Rule. Shared finances may be an issue now; remember that it's only money after all. Look out for your own interests while maintaining a generous attitude


You're full of fabulous ideas. You have a rare opportunity to show the world what you are made of, so don't be afraid of responsibility and commitment


With the focus well and truly on the workplace, why not harmonise your working environment? Colleagues or employees will appreciate your efforts and you'll find it easy to get your ideas across.


Be careful not to give away too much information too soon to other people. Although you're quite optimistic, sometimes talking too much about your good vibes can lead to a reversal.


It's a beautiful day, with the stars backing your ideas and stimulating travel plans. Your talents can be expressed in a beneficial way and you might even receive a small windfall. Spend time with friends  and family. Why not invite them over for a meal?


A busy schedule dominates your day. The workplace may be a hotbed of tension and frustration, so try to avoid needless conflict with co-workers. Steer clear of debates unless you are prepared to be at odds for some time to come. Decide what is truly important to you today, but don't let your ego be your guide!


It's the ideal time to improve the workplace by renovations installing background music and adding plants or art work to cheer everyone up. And why not get yourself a beauty treatment? An office romance, or a social event with co-workers is in the wind. Personal renovation is definitely favoured!