Predictions for 16th March 2020


Listen carefully to your heart, It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so allow your moods to flow naturally. It's fine if you don't feel like socializing; many will choose an afternoon in the bath over company today. Financial ideas will come to you as you relax, so mull them over for a day or two, when you will know what to do with them


Others may think you are in fairyland .Go ahead and let your imagination run wild, but don't allow unfounded fears to paralyse you. This is a good month for dreaming about the future and visualizing where you want to be in the coming days. Allow yourself to drift a bit on this somewhat lazy day.


Today some of you may have the irresistible urge to buy something. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a small luxury, just be sure to stay within your budget.Men and women alike often splurge as a way to reward themselves for hard work. Find something that will give you pleasure and remind you that you deserve the best


 You're extremely resistant to what someone is advising you. Maybe you completely disagree with their opinions, you think they're talking total nonsense, or you're horrified by what they're saying. Be careful because you could easily become locked in a stubborn battle of wills with this person, in which neither of you is prepared to yield a single inch.


Use your charms today, to everyone you meet, but avoid putting money into joint ventures. Your practical approach towards your work will help you stay ahead. Make sure things are organized at work with your colleagues and you'll survive without too much disarray


Today you shall feel harder to find the words to express yourself now. You can get your point across, but be sure to clear up any misunderstandings. Problems at work can be hammered out, but tension and concealed opposition is there


You may feel mildly agitated. Personal difficulties with family members or necessary home repairs disrupt your day. Deal directly with problems no matter how much you would rather procrastinate. What you avoid today is likely to escalate into a much bigger problem for you to solve tomorrow


You may feel like you are just going through the motions of your workday. You are enthused, engaged, enchanting and way too full of energy for your own good. Forget about anything being any different. Emotional and family life shall remain more or less cordial for the day


Take control of your emotional responses now, before they take control of you. If you've never given primal scream therapy a try, you might want to experience it yourself over the next day or two. Bend down with your head between your knees, then lift up with a scream that comes from your toes all the way through to the top of your head. Feel better now?


Stars are bringing extra energy and confidence. Have lunch with someone special to add pleasure to your day; plan to enjoy a brisk walk or bike ride this afternoon. Some of you may be stuck in the office, but it doesn't have to be a tedious, boring day. Keep a positive attitude and you will find it is highly contagious. Life is good, so celebrate!


You shall feel more neighbourly this morning. If the weather allows, take a walk in your neighbourhood. Do you know the names of your nearest neighbours? Our modern society has forgotten the importance of community. Even if you don't care to socialize with those in your vicinity, it's important to know who they are


Today your interest in travel and adventure perks up, along with a renewed interest in matters cultural. Explore your options! You can plan to an exotic locale, enrol in an interesting trip, or take on anything that expands your horizons. Break out of those old routines and set out on an adventure