Know about Diamond Healing Properties

What is the definition of diamond? Diamond is a gemstone that holds significance as a 60th Anniversary gemstone and is considered a precious gem.

Associations of Diamond:


Healing Properties of Diamond

Diamond, symbolizing purity, emits a radiant white light that brings harmony and unity to our lives. It has the power to foster love and clarity in relationships, strengthening bonds. As a sign of commitment and loyalty, diamond instills trust in both relationships and various situations. Its energy attracts abundance and prosperity, stimulating the forces of accumulation. Diamond acts as an amplifier of energy, never requiring recharging. It imparts strength and endurance to all energies and enhances the power of other crystals. However, it is important to exercise caution, as this amplification applies to both positive and negative energies.

This gemstone is excellent for blocking electromagnetic stress and safeguarding against the harmful emanations of cell phones. Diamond instills fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude in its wearer. It has the ability to cleanse emotional and mental pain, reducing fear and paving the way for new beginnings. Diamond stimulates creativity, inventiveness, imagination, and ingenuity. It promotes mental clarity and aids in the pursuit of enlightenment. Furthermore, diamond allows the inner light of the soul to shine, facilitating spiritual evolution and serving as a reminder of one's soul aspirations.

On a physical level, diamond purifies and detoxifies all systems of the body. It rebalances metabolism, builds stamina and strength, and provides relief for allergies and chronic conditions. Diamond is beneficial for treating glaucoma and improving vision. It effectively addresses dizziness, vertigo, and benefits overall brain health. Additionally, diamond counteracts the effects of poisoning.


Color Healing with Diamond

In addition to the general properties of Diamond, each color variation possesses unique attributes:

Yellow Diamond: Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Diamond encourages thoughtfulness and fosters a considerate nature within us.

Blue Diamond: Chakra - Throat Chakra

Blue Diamond enhances willpower and motivates us to prioritize our health and well-being.

Pink Diamond: Chakra - Heart Chakra

Pink Diamond is utilized for creative expression and encourages artistic endeavors.

Black Diamond: Chakra - Base Chakra

Black Diamond provides the courage to explore our inner selves without illusions or self-deception.