Gemstone buying tips

When buying gemstones one must not forget to look out for the rarity, beauty, and durability. Read on more to know about how to buy gemstones. Buying the best-colored gems can offer the chance for expressing oneself.

Here khanna gems the one of the growing brand in gemstone in delhi will let you know interesting gemstones buying tips.

Grading of Gemstones

Gemstones have similar quality aspects such as cut, color, and clarity. And are equally valued for gemstones.

Color of Gemstone

The majority of the colored gems have their beauty from colors such as blues, greens, oranges, reds, and purples.

3 things relate to the color of the gemstone.

1. Hue: The authentic tone of the gem spectrum entails more info of the additional colors and dominant tone visible in a gemstone.

2. Tone: The darkness or lightness of color it can either range from very dark to very light tone as well.

3. Intensity or Saturation: Intensity is the purity of the color.

Look out for the below qualities when buying gemstone

1. Gem cut

The ones who cut the gem make all efforts to obtain an affordable and pleasing blend of weight, color and better shape for it to be mounted in a piece of jewelry. In the process, the size of a gem is bound by nature too.

2. Clarity of the gem

The colored gem clarity makes the biggest contribution to its beauty. Until and unless a gemstone is opaque which results in blocking all the light. As it is all about the movement of light affecting the gems. A handful of the gems have some internal inclusions that interrupt the light passage, others have a characteristic inclusion.

3. Size of the gem

A gem is weighed in carats. The jewel industry measures the colored gems in dimensions and millimeters additional to its carat weight. The size of the millimeters is preferred when the color of the gem is matched for an earring, ring or any other kind of jewelry.

4. The durability of a gem

A gemstone's capability to be mounted, worn and fashioned depends upon how durable it is. It is a blend of toughness and hardness too.