Cleaning and Care Tips for Pearls

Pearls are the epitome of classic elegance. They possess a unique combination of delicacy and boldness that make them highly sought-after. Unlike diamonds, pearls can also stand the test of time if they are well-maintained. If you want to keep your cultured pearls looking beautiful for years to come, this comprehensive guide on pearl cleaning and care contains valuable tips and techniques.

Tips to properly clean your pearls

  1. Use a soft cloth to wipe your pearls after each wear. This prevents the buildup of oils or other substances that may have come into contact with your jewelry.
  2. If your pearls are visibly stained, clean them with a damp cloth and a solution of lukewarm water, and mild dish soap. However, avoid submerging a pearl necklace in water as it can weaken the silk thread.
  3. Allow your pearls to dry completely before storing them to maintain the elasticity of the silk strand.
  4. Have your jeweler check the integrity of your pearl bracelets and necklaces once a year, as frequent wear can damage the silk thread. Certified and knowledgeable jewellers can also give your precious pearls a thorough and safe cleaning.
  5. Avoid using steam or ultrasonic jewelry cleaners to clean pearls, as these methods can harm the outer layer of the pearl.

Pearl Maintenance Tips

To ensure that your pearls remain in good condition for many years and potentially become a cherished family heirloom, consider these tips for pearl maintenance:

  1. Put on your pearls last and remove them first. Avoid applying any products such as makeup, hairspray, lotion, or perfume after putting on your pearls.
  2. Store your pearl necklaces flat to prevent them from stretching. While other necklaces can be hung on a jewelry rack, this is not recommended for pearl strands.
  3. Create a dedicated storage space for your pearls. Because pearls are soft and susceptible to scratches, store them separately in compartments lined with soft fabric.
  4. Wear your pearls frequently as they do best in a moist environment. This straightforward advice is the easiest way to ensure your pearls do not dry out.
  5. Avoid wearing your pearls in the pool, bath, sauna, or shower, as they should not be submerged in water. It's important to note that pearls on rings or earrings are typically attached with glue, which can dissolve in water, increasing the risk of losing the pearls.
  6. To prevent exposing your pearls to perspiration or the risk of breakage, remove them before engaging in sports or exercise.
  7. Do not wear your pearls to bed. The string can become weakened and strained, increasing the risk of breakage. It is always advisable to remove them before going to sleep.


In essence, maintaining the lustrous appearance of your pearls is a straightforward process. By adhering to a few fundamental guidelines, you can preserve their gleam and radiance for many years to come. Don't forget to wear your pearls frequently to keep them in excellent condition and cherish their splendor from the depths of the ocean! To get quality, natural pearl beads, contact Khanna Gems today.