If you are going to search price of Neelam in Gurgaon then we have certified (Govt. Lab Certificate) Neelam along with all semi and precious Gems.
Neelam destroys away poverty, sorrows, diseases, faults and accelerates prosperity, life-span, food and overall strength of the wearer. Neelam also brings back any lost property or funds lost before wearing the stone. If Neelam is unfavorable, it does all the opposites.
Neelam is a sparkling gem representing Jupiter. It is traditionally considered as the symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and fortune. Ranging from light canary to ultra golden colors, yellow sapphire rings have become more and more popular nowadays.
Instruction: For children recomended ratti 2 to 2.5, for minor 3 to 4 ratti and for adults 5 to 12 ratti. Ring should be made of only Gold or Silver. Ring should be worn only on Thursday 4 to 7 p.m. and Ring should be worn in Tarjani or Anamica finger.
Neelam : At Gem Selections we have a range of Neelam i.e., Neelam from Rs. 2100/ Rt to Rs. 31000/ Rt.
You can have a look at these collections and decide what you want as per your requirement and budget.
What ever you buy comes with a Lab Certificate, bill and Guarantee of purity and originality from our company and its promoter Mr. Pankaj Khanna.
Neelam like all Gemstones, is valued according to its Color, Cut, Clarity and Crystal.
If we talk about Blue Sapphire in hindi then we find the name like Neelam.